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Whole Chicken and ALL the recipes!

Writer's picture: Rocky Knob FarmsRocky Knob Farms

Our brother and sister-in-law are raising broiler chickens and offered some to us to add to our website. Adding a new type of protein is a great way for us to diversify, provide more of what our customers are looking for in one place and support our family in their new exciting ventures.

In case you didn't know, a broiler is a chicken that is raised for meat while a layer is a chicken that lays eggs. Broiler chickens can be male or female while layers are only females. These broiler chickens arrived to their house at one day old and spent the first few weeks in their garage so the temperature could be regulated for them. They were moved outside to an actual chicken coop for the remaining four-five weeks and grew crazy fast.

We have made a few whole chickens in the past couple of weeks as a test to make sure we were offering something worth having and this chicken PASSED THE TEST!

It is so good - juicy, tender and full of flavor!

As the main chef in our house I am loving these whole chickens for one simple reason; I can cook chicken once a week and have enough leftovers for two or three more meals later in the week. It really makes meal prep go so much faster and as an added bonus so far I've used a rotisserie chicken recipe in the crock pot as the first meal. Seriously, it does not get any easier than a crock pot meal!

This is the crock pot rotisserie chicken recipe I used: . For meals later in the week, I shredded half of what was left and made chicken quesadillas and used the other half on salads for lunch and side dishes. In all, the first week I made a whole chicken it was used for three different meals and had 14 servings. A different sister uses her leftovers to make a delicious BBQ chicken pizza on a cookie sheet like this one:

The second week I made one, I quartered the chicken (meaning I cut off the breast meat and legs) and grilled the pieces after marinating them in teriyaki sauce. That's also highly recommended!

The possibilities are truly endless as to what you can make with the leftovers. Don't forget that there is also a lot of goodness left on the chicken carcass after the meat has been carved away. You can use the carcass to boil down and make your own chicken stock for chicken and noodles or soups in the winter.

You can shop for your own whole chicken here.

Do you make whole chicken for your family? Tell me in the comments what you like to use the leftovers for!

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